Monday, April 19, 2010

Fire Burning, Fire Burning at the Block Party

By now I'm sure everyone has heard about 'JMU Riot 2010'. The news quickly spread all over the region and even ended up in a quick segment on CNN, Deadspin, and on a few other national websites. Sorry this is very late, but my internet wasn't working for 5 give me a break. I'm gonna do my best to lay down the history, what happened (as best as I can, without actually having been there), and suggest some things for the future.

So waaay back when at JMU...back when Greek row included fraternities, they held a big alumni weekend. They had bands on Greek row, fenced off part of it where they would have alcohol and would card people to get in, had a constant police presence, and kept everything orderly. At some point, State and University attorneys decided having any sanctioned parties like this on campus was a bad idea. Thus, parties like this were moved off campus.