Do you have a great idea for an article? Is there an area of campus life that you don't feel is being covered? Please let me know. Right now, I'm just writing articles that I believe people want to read (and that I have time to write). Even if you're an alumnus and think the JMU community should know about something, feel free to shoot me an e-mail. Or, for the aspiring (or professional) writers out there, go ahead and send me an article - I would suggest clearing the idea with me first, so you don't write an article that won't get published.
The key is to let me know what you're thinking and what's going on; if I don't know about something, there's no way I can cover it. JMU, after all, is a community, and I want this blog to mirror that. The Windbreaker is meant to be an ongoing conversation about what's going on at JMU and with alumni across the globe. If you want to be a contributing writer or photographer, I'm definitely open to that too, so send me an email. Thanks!
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