So those that have been reading the blog for at least the last few months may have seen a blog post I did about William and Mary's marketing department. First with a review about their logo/mascot troubles. Then, I talked about their search for a new mascot. Well, they've finally released the five finalists to their search. I couldn't resist posting about this, because...well...I try to report information concerning JMU and things related to JMU. So because William & Mary is in our conference and most of us know someone who went there, this just can't be overlooked when they're choosing a new mascot. Plus it's just entertaining. This is purely an opinion piece...not really much factual reporting in any of it (but be clear these are the actual options for their mascot)...put it's too entertaining to pass up...
So after an intense search and opening it up for people to send in their ideas about a new mascot, they've named their five top ideas. So, without further ado: